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More Than Sport: Beyond Climbing with Alex Joseph

I had been drawn to the alpine mecca of Alaska ever since the day I first stepped onto the Kahiltna Glacier two years prior. I spiraled into an obsession with the sport of alpinism, dedicating a large portion of my life to it. What I didn’t realize was that I was simultaneously nurturing a deeper affection for the landscape.

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Choosing To Be There

In that moment I remember thinking to myself, “We choose where we are.” It was then that things seemed to come full circle.

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Learning to Train

Early in my career I let passion fuel my efforts in the mountains. But as my aspirations have grown I’ve come to understand the importance of the need for specific training over simply ‘working out’.

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Cold Road to Recovery

In February 2022 I suffered a substantial frostbite injury that kept me out of the mountains for nearly two months. Instead of wasting away I built a plan that would keep me physically and mentally well. I trained what I could and tackled new projects, keeping my head down and focusing on what was directly in front of me.

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Chasing the Fading Light

We moved higher, making our way towards the top of the ridgeline. The sun began to set at a voracious pace. Ben, in a disheveled state, took the rack and brought us to the top of our route.

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